I’m Just saying is one of the shortcuts used to finish a point on social media.
I’m Just saying maybe a shortcut on social media, but it is exactly what we as the Body of Christ need to do more of.
What do you mean you may ask; we should be saying what the Word of God says about us. We should be saying how God has delivered us from the powers of darkness. We should be saying how God has saved our families. We should be saying how God has healed us.
The Word of Gd says in the book of Romans 4:17 KJV we have the ability to call into existence the things that are not as though they were. What we sometime forget is that everything has a place of being in the realm of the Spirit, but it is up to us to say what we want to see in the natural.
Our Father has created us in His image and likeness, so that same ability that our Father has so do we.
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